Today my mom & I canned salsa for the first time. I just wanted to share the recipe that we used. It is VERY simple & not that many ingredients!
Canning Chili Salsa
5 lbs tomatoes, peeled, chopped
2 lbs chili peppers, peeled, chopped
1 lb onions, chopped
1 cup vinegar
3 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
Combine prepared tomatoes, peppers, onions, vinegar, salt and pepper in a large saucepan. (See Mexican tomato sauce for information on peeling chili peppers.) Heat to a boil and simmer 10 minutes. Fill jars, leaving 1/2-inch headspace. Close jars and process. Caution! Wear rubber gloves while handling chilies or wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before touching your face.
Process at 10 lbs (PSI) in a pressure canner only. Process pints for 20 minutes (0-8000 feet elevation) Process pints for 25 minutes (8001-10,000 feet elevation) Dial gauge: 10 lb + 1/2 lb/1,000 ft.; weighted gauge: 15 lb at 1,000-10,000 ft.
Note: For a milder sauce, use substitute poblano peppers (or use fewer chili peppers).
Yields 6 to 8 pints.
This recipe is from Colorado State University Cooperative Extension
To make my salsa tag I used:
Close To My Heart Cranberry 3/8" Grosgrain Ribbon (Z1103)
Close To My Heart Exclusive Inks Cranberry Stamp Pad (Z2116)
Close To My Heart My Stickease from Perfect Day Level 1 Kit (X7100A)
Close To My Heart Juniper Cardstock (X5752)
Close To My Heart My Acrylix The Works Alphabet Stamp (D1195)
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«´¨`·.. ♥Angela ♥..·´¨`»
( ¸.·'´(¸.·'´ ♥ `'· .¸)`'·.¸)
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