Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Straight To The Top

Close To My Heart have this wonderful program called Straight To The Top (STTT) for new consultants. When you sell $300 in your first month CTMH gives you $25 and when you sell $1800 in your first three months they will give you an additional $125. That's a total of $150 of FREE products!!! And guess what! I just need to sell $187.69 more to get my FREE $150 total!!! :o) It is so exciting. I can't believe on how easy it is to sell their wonderful products. It truly sells itself.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I No Longer Have.....

...a personal Close To My Heart website. It wasn't paying for itself. But no worries, you can still buy the FUN stuff from Close To My Heart through me. I still do Gatherings and Indivuals orders. Contact me any time and I can put an order in for you. Thanks.
